Customer: The South Karelia Social and Health Care District
Building: K-hospital, Lappeenranta
Address: Valto Käkelän katu 3, 53130 Lappeenranta
Artists: Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo
Pa-La Team: Outi Taskinen
Materials: Cembrit Permabase –boards, Weber Serpo Vent –board plastering (36 different shades)
This façade has been under discussion – can this be a hospital?
The artwork called Väre is situated on the façade of K-hospital in Lappeenranta. The colourful artwork has been plastered like the buildings surrounding it. The dimensions of the tall building are faded out with vertical stripes that are different in width. The vertical window lines complete the façade creating a uniform artwork. There are all together 36 different shades on the plastered surface, blended from 7 original colours.
Väre is one of the several Eksote Art Plan artworks. Art defines a considerable part of the hospital’s general appearance and spatial solutions. The artworks were integrated as a natural part of the architecture and the interior design. As an aid in this was used the Art Formula developed by Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd. which facilitates the implementation of art in a hospital milieu.
The vertical lists in the windows group the colour panels on the façade. Photo © Mikko Nikkinen
Väre brings colour to the environment! Photo © Mikko Nikkinen
Väre façade artwork, Eksote K-hospital, Lappeenranta, 2018. Photo © Mikko Nikkinen
Façade facing east, K-hospital, Eksote. Photo © Partanen & Lamusuo Oy, Arkkitehtuuritoimisto Ovaskainen Oy
The colours are bounded by the plastered panels and window lines. Photo © Cembrit Oy