Artwork proposition: “LumPeikko”
Address: Lunchroom of Kangaslampi school, Petter Kumpulaisentie 30, 74130 Iisalmi
Customer: Percent for art competition, Cultural board of Iisalmi city
Principal designer: Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo
Pa-La-team: Outi Taskinen
Material: plastic sheet, metal leaf and gilding
The Iisalmi municipality acquired in spring 2017 percent-for-art for the near-complete Kangaslampi and Kauppis-Heikki schools by means of an art sketch contest. The percent-for-art team decided to select four artists/working pairs for the drafting stage, and Partanen & Lamusuo was one of those selected. Partanen & Lamusuo participated in the contest with its proposal LumPeikko (SnoGoblin). The artwork was designed to decorate the wall of the lunchroom of the soon-to-be-completed Kangaslampi school. However, LumPeikko was not selected. The honour for winning the contest went to two other artists.
LumPeikko artwork meanders beautifully on the walls of the school lunchroom, artwork proposition. Photo © Partanen & Lamusuo.
LumPeikko artwork combines colorful lily pads and delicate water lily flowers. Extract from artwork proposition. Photo © Partanen & Lamusuo.
LumPeikko is no fellow or goblin, but the very own artwork of the Lumme (Water-lily) hall. It is made of plastic and of quite something else. In any case, it glitters on the wall like summer waves in the lake. Although there is only one LumPeikko in the world, it looks quite different in cloudy weather and in summer sunshine, because its surface is almost entirely metal leaf and nuggets of 23-carat gold. LumPeikko has grown in caring hands, plenty of caresses and cuddles has it received, with a soft cloth has LumPeikko been cleaned and washed, dried and polished.