Exhibition opening 1.5.
We open our own exhibition Gold and Silver at Palad Showroom. It showcases public works of art we have designed during the past two decades. The exhibition opens 1st of May. Welcome!
Our first exhibition on public art is an experiential ensemble in which works of art and their manufacturing process are presented through images, model pieces, videos, scale models and texts.
In May the exhibition is open
Sun 1st May 12-18
Thu 5th May 12-18
Sat 7th May 12-18
The artist-architect couple Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo are known for their numerous works combining public art and architecture, which merge into distinctive but inseparable parts of the buildings. They have worked long-term to promote public art in Finland. Their work has been awarded e.g., in 2010 with the Kuopio Mayor's Recognition Award and in 2018 with the Savolainen Suoraviiva design recognition.

Our first own exhibition opens at Palad Showroom.

The exhibition is complemented by a book on public art.
The exhibition is complemented by a book on public works of art designed by Partanen & Lamusuo. The book Evolution - public art throughout the decades is available for pre-sale price 35 € (incl. VAT 10 %) + postage until 8th of May. After that the price is 45 € (incl. VAT 10 %). Orders by e-mail office@pa-la.fi or tel. +358 50 501 0506.
More information:
artistic director Jaana Partanen, tel. +358 50 321 6313, partanen@pa-la.fi
producer Hanna Kalliokoski, tel. +358 50 501 0506, hanna@pa-la.fi