Pa-La rewards local operators
For the first time, Partanen & Lamusuo awards an honorary certificate to entrepreneurs and operators from Northern Savo who make the world a better place piece by piece. Certificates of honor will be distributed at Palad Showroom at an event open to all on the Night of the Arts on August 25. from 17:00.
Palad Showroom has open doors on the Night of the Arts on August 25. from 17:00 to 21:00. The evening's program opens with the distribution of certificates and glasses of sparkling wine raised in honor of the award recipients.
Jaana Partanen and Heikki Lamusuo, the designers of Partanen & Lamusuo Ltd and the Palad design furniture brand, want to highlight companies and actors from Northern Savo whose activities create and spread good things around them. The aim of the certificates of honor being distributed now is to maintain a culture of positive interaction and mutual appreciation.
"In a world colored by global crises, talking about positive things and highlighting good deeds is more important than ever before, so that we can keep believing in the goodness of people. The activities of the recipients of diplomas bring us joy. We hope that as many as possible will share this experience with us", says Jaana Partanen.

"Recipients of the certificates of honor create social and local well-being, promote equality or work for the environment. Their activities grow a regional empathic footprint in Kuopio, North Savo and Eastern Finland regions. We want to thank them and bring their activities to the attention of others as widely as possible", continues Heikki Lamusuo.
Partanen & Lamusuo's design furniture brand Palad's value-based design philosophy is based on an empathic footprint, locality and equality. Empathic footprint refers to the positive impact that Palad leaves on the world. An empathic footprint consists of empathy, cooperation and activities in accordance with the various aspects of sustainable development.
More information: artistic director Jaana Partanen, tel. +358 50 321 6313