Location: Kuopio
Commissioned by: Kuopio City Council
Compiled by: Heikki Lamusuo and Architectural policy working group of city of Kuopio
This architectural policy programme for Kuopio provides a description of the current state of architecture and construction in the city, sets targets for the future and defines the measures required to achieve those targets. The aim is to help the people of Kuopio to value their own environment and encourage them to take responsibility for its further development. Implementation of the programme will call for both political and financial commitment and long-term efforts to improve the quality of the built environment. The City Council should set an example for other people in this matter. The main aim should be an original and authentic city of Kuopio which is a pleasant, safe place for all its people to live in.
Architecture and urban construction in Kuopio, commissioned by: City of Kuopio, 2007. © Pa-La
Architecture and urban construction in Kuopio, commissioned by: City of Kuopio, 2007. © Pa-La
Architecture and urban construction in Kuopio, commissioned by: City of Kuopio, 2007. © Pa-La
Publication (in Finnish); Apoli 2007 (pdf)